
OMG I quit my job

I totally quit my job last week. It wasn’t some kind of take-this-job-and-shove-it table-flipping experience. It was totally civilized and without raised voices or tears. I gave five weeks’ notice, and my last day is going to be Sept. 4. So what’s my deal? I remained employed for the entirety of the great recession—no small […]


get crafty at SXSW interactive!

I am so stoked to be involved with the CraftCamp at SXSW Interactive next week! I was going to be there for my job anyway, but then I found out that Willo was organizing a craft-centric event, and I just had to be part of it. The schedule is still being finalized, but here’s an […]


new year’s roundup

You’d think, since I wasn’t working on a new book, I would’ve had tons of time to read in 2010, right? Well, I kept plenty busy with a promotion at my day job, organizing two local craft show events and travelling a ton. I kept on making handmade journals and cards, and I also joined a […]
