craft industry insider

I’ve been in the craft business world for nearly two decades, first as a maker and organizer of craft shows and then as a business journalist. This summer I started writing the Craft Industry Alliance’s corporate newsletter, which focuses on business news important for companies in the creative industries, from fiber manufacturers and distributors to retailers and online marketplaces. I report on how the creative industries fit in the global economy, and how economic trends are playing out in the craft world.

It’s called the Craft Industry Insider, and it’s sent out on the first Monday of every month exclusively to the Craft Industry Alliance’s corporate members. Each issue contains curated news from the craft world and the global business world, with select director and executive-level job listings, and useful numbers to help you do your job better. The centerpiece of each issue is a reported feature on a craft industry issue — so far I’ve written about AI tools and the creative industry, the direct-to-consumer trend, the expanding marketplace of online marketplaces, and how Trump’s tariffs have affected the craft industry, five years in. You can read the first issue here.

And I would love to hear from you if you’re a craft industry insider yourself! You can submit director- and executive-level job listings here, and I welcome your suggestions for future coverage. You can send me story ideas and tips using this form. (I’d especially love to hear from Hobby Lobby whistleblowers, for example. If you have very sensitive information to share, please use snail mail: Craft Industry Alliance, P.O. Box 812397, Wellesley, MA 02482)

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